Borelioza je prvo umetno ustvarjeno biološko orožje

“Borelioza je prvo umetno ustvarjeno biološko orožje. V II. sv. vojni so ameriški vojaki v berlinskih gozdovih imeli nenavadne simptome. Z letali so na območje partizanskih bolnišnic Kamniške bele odmetavali uši in klope” je Tomaž Humar izjavil  v članku : Hudi bolezni sta mi zamajali življenje TUKAJ 


During WWII Germany enjoyed tremendous advances in scientific technology which almost led to their complete victory over allied powers. Had the Reich had just a few more years to perfect these technologies you would be speaking German.

After WWII the United States and Russia ( among others) desperately tried to secure post-war power by smuggling former Nazi scientists to their respective nations to work, unmolested, for their new governments. The American program was to secretly bring these scientists to America was known as Operation Paperclip. All scientists we exonerated of all war crimes and many were given new identities and lives.

One of these Nazi scientists was Erich Traub. Mr. Traub was an expert in Foot and Mouth and other infectious disease. Traub was assigned to work at a lab called PLUM ISLAND. Or, the PLUM ISLAND ANIMAL DISEASE CENTER. His research focused on the tick and specifically on their ability to spread disease to the enemy.

In the 1970’s a town called Lyme, Connecticut began to experience several cases of an as yet unknown infectious disease. The symptoms mimicked a variety of illness and a cause was difficult to ascertain. The new disease was given it’s name because of the area in which it was first discovered. This disease is known as LYME DISEASE.

Clincher – The Town of Lyme lies only a few miles from PLUM ISLAND. The island which houses an infectious disease lab where a former Nazi scientists specializing in TICK borne illnesses was doing his research. Coincidently, this Town became the center of a Tick Borne illness never before seen. Could a tick have escaped on the back of a Seagull and made it’s way to the Town? Could a tick infected with a new biological warfare agent been purposefully released upon a hapless population in order to study it’s effects? Nah, that would be crazy.
Objavljeno na…/plum-island/lyme-disease.html , a odstranjeno

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Zgodba okuženih pa je naslednja
  • bolezen prizadete prisili  v študij borelioze
  • večina nima samo borelije,  borijo se še  s koinfekcijami (erlihijo, bartonello). Problem je testirat tole, pri nas namreč sploh ne zdravijo tega (Recejo post lyme sindrom in to je to )
  •  reaktivirajo se virusi, ko opusti imunski sistem, borelija napade
  • nekateri se borijo tudi po več let  s simptomi do trenutka ko ne morejo več vstati, hoditi voziti avta, dvigniti otroka
  • resno oboleli se zdravijo na lastne stroške v tujini
  • vsem ne pomaga zgolj bioresonanca in tinktura ščetice, ve pa se itak, da samo AB niso dovolj oz. je terapija z AB neprimerna
  • strokovno velja verjetje, da se v 6 dneh vse pozdravi, simptomatika tipičnega kroga z 2 škatlicama sumameda
  • po zastarani boreliozi potem  farma industrija šiba zdravila za multiplo in se kaj

Vitamin d protokol za multiplo sklerozo  deluje pri praktično vseh avtoimunih in tudi za lyme .Uspesnost 99%

Dr coimbra daje tudi 100.000

Vec v skupini Lymska borelioza Slovenija TUKAJ


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