Uglasitev na naravne elemente in cikle pomembnejše kot kdajkoli

Splošni dekadenci, distopiji družbe, razprodaji vsega kar je sploh karkoli vredno se verjetno ne moremo upreti in je neizbežna.
Potvarjanje, blef, sistemske laži imajo namreč nepredstavljivo moč….če želimo ohranit vibro se bo treba navadit na kulminacijo tega vse dotlej dokler ne pričnemo aktivno soustvarjati drugačne stvarnosti zavestno.
Radi bi hrano brez GSO, legalizirano zdravljenje z medicinsko konopljo, prepoved chemtrailsov, svobodo odločanja glede cepljenja, spoštljiv odnos do živali, odpravo revščine……
Folk nagovarjamo predvsem k pasivnemu posredovanju peticij, zahtev, podpisov, širjenju informacij itd
Naše delovanje je togo, razpršeno, neučinkovito ter primitivno. Zgolj naslavljanje naših prošenj ali zahtev oblastnikom in lastnikom planeta, ki jih zgolj zaradi preganjanja dolgčasa nekaj tudi odobrijo, je nerelevantno.

Korekcija stanja ni v domeni vlad, institucij ipd. Ravnanje slednjih je zgolj projekcija naše kolektivne ravni zavesti. Sposobni samoodgovornosti se zato neupravičeno zagovarjamo na kogarkoli zunaj nas.

Prioritetno nasploh zato obuditi :
– zamaknjeno čutenje igrivosti otrok
– primarnost nedolžnosti, radovednosti,
naveze na primarne cikle in naravne elemente,

kajti uglasiti se s naravnimi elementi in cikli ter pristnostjo, primarnostjo in energijo našega srca in s tem z naravo tako, da le to začutimo kot primarno je bistveno ne le za preživetje pač pa predvsem za spoznajo življenja samega in s tem bivanja neomejene svobode.

Za pot nazaj domov, k sebi,  mimo privzgojenih avtomatiziranih vzorcev dojemanja in delovanja, takšnemu kot se lahko le slutimo, popolnemu celostnemu nepotvorjenemu bitju svetlobe z neposrednim zavedanjem , zaznavo , dojemanjem brez na pamet naučene papagajščine raznih učenj (predvsem duhovnih, ideološko religioznih in  tudi znanstvenih…) , ki jim brezpogojno in nekritično sledimo,  potrebno predhodno zagotoviti

1.Uglasitev z zemljo


Čeprav to odkritje še ni svetovno znano oziroma se o njem ne govori na veliko, ne pomeni, da ne drži, saj veliko raziskav svetovno znanih inštitutov potrjuje, da se zdravje človeka izboljša ob stiku z zemljo.

Dandanes nam na žalost primanjkuje prav te povezanosti. Ljudje v moderni dobi smo namreč na vsakem koraku odrezani od električnega Zemeljskega polja, saj že tisočletja ne hodimo bosi in ne spimo na tleh. Namesto tega smo se še bolj oddaljili od zemlje z nošenjem čevljev s plastičnim in gumijastim podplatom.

Gre za to, da se nam ob stiku z zemljo zniža električni potencial telesa (napetost), ta je posledica elektromagnetnega sevanja, ki ga oddajajo električne naprave okoli nas. Ta padec električnega potenciala lahko izmerite tudi sami doma, potrebujete le voltmeter. Izmerite, kakšen potencial imate, ko niste ozemljeni, in kakšnega, potem ko se ozemljite. Preizkusite, presenečeni boste!

Prav tako ob stiku z zemljo po našem telesu steče veliko število negativno nabitih elektronov, ki uravnovesijo kopico pozitivno nabitih elektronov v telesu ter vzpostavijo ravnovesje telesa in duha.


Stik z zemljo vrača energijo ( Povzeto po besedilu Jožeta Vetrovca )

Namernemu stiku z zemljo, zaradi zdravja, pravimo „zemljenje“. Zemljenje ima vse več privržencev. Eni tekajo v naravi bosi, drugi si pomagajo z ozemljitvenimi rjuhami in ozemljitvenimi blazinami, ki jih postavljajo pred tipkovnico ali na tla pod mizo in se jih dotikajo z bosimi nogami. Zato da lahko elektroni prosto odtekajo s površja v človeka, v zemljo, med hojo, spanjem in med delom. Bosonoga hoja, sedenje, stanje ali spanje na tleh so človeštvu dolgo omogočali, da so lahko elektroni s površja zemlje prehajali v telo in se je vsak del telesa električno uravnal – organi, tkiva in celice. Zdaj ko smo večinoma obuti, izolirani, pa smo energijsko podhranjeni. Glavna hipoteza raziskovalcev zemljenja je, da lahko prosti negativno nabiti elektroni iz Zemljine površine prodrejo v človeško telo, kjer nevtralizirajo pozitivno nabite proste radikale, ki jim elektronov manjka. Prosti radikali ali reaktivne kisikove spojine danes veljajo za pomembnega povzročitelja kroničnih vnetij, ki so v ozadju številnih degenerativnih bolezni sodobnega človeka. Ob ozemljitvi naj bi elektroni potovali skozi prevodno telo na mesto, kjer jih primanjkuje. Poiščejo proste radikale in se z njimi povežejo. Več o delovanju energije zemlje na naše telo lahko preberete tudi v knjigi Zdravilna moč zemlje. Da bi začutili, kako vse skupaj deluje, pa se morate le sezuti … Preprosto? Niti ne. Življenje v mestih, dolga zima in drugi „dosežki civilizacije“ so nas od zemlje toliko oddaljili, da bosonoga hoja ni vedno preprosto izvedljiva


A ‘grounded’ human being is someone who is connected to and receives direct benefit from the infinite free electron source generated directly from our planet. We’re grounded when we hold the same electrical potential as the Earth’s surface. Electrons are absorbed or discharged via the skin, mainly through our feet in contact with the ground. This is an ancient and profound yet hugely common sense principle of well-being that’s currently resurging amidst enthusiastic stories of its success.

It’s well accepted that electrical systems of our homes or sophisticated electrical equipment must be grounded to function safely and effectively. But how much have we considered the human body as being fundamentally bio-electric in nature, also working more optimally with grounding, and suffering adverse effects from the lack of it?

The universe is all about energy! Simply put, energy is universal information in motion within and around everything. It’s very fast moving so we perceive only a very small percentage of it through our five senses; usually, we can notice only its effects (think radio signals, ultrasound, or even love).
Its electrical charge is that spark of life that animates us, and has been well regarded for thousands of years primarily by eastern and indigenous cultures – who’ve actually studied its properties and called it by many names – Chi, Qi, Ki, Life Force energy, prana, mana, orgone, electrons, Shakti, kundalini, and more.
Our universe is alive due to interactions of energy. All our thoughts including perceptions, beliefs, wants and needs, all our emotions and feelings, our sensations and movements, and our anima or spirit are the outcomes of this essential substrate of energy.

Surrounding and permeating each living thing– from this living, breathing planet down to the smallest single cell organism – is a bio-electromagnetic field. This field is a function of the vitality present in that being. In another’s presence you may sense this as radiance or a glow. Or you feel a charge of electricity when approaching someone with whom you share a mutual attraction. We’ve all felt surprise due to shocks by static electricity; at those moments we’re a conductor for that excess charge. On a much grander scale, the more than 5,000 lightning strikes per minute globally constantly refresh the Earth’s almost unlimited supply of free electrons. To illuminate how immensely powerful this force is, a single lightning storm can contain more energy than ten atomic bombs.

All our body’s trillions of cells function electrically. Each cell is like a battery; it runs at a specific millivoltage and frequency. Generally speaking, disease is caused when cells have too little voltage and are running at too low a frequency. Ultimately our health depends on the electrical charge maintained within and around our cells and our organ systems.

The body seeks to maintain homeostasis– a state of balance. Unstable, highly reactive free radical molecules (caused by tobacco smoke, sugars, x-rays, pollution, etc) have unpaired or ‘stray’ electrons so they ‘steal’ electrons from healthier cells to regain stability. But this causes oxidative damage to those cells that then also turn into free radicals and thus a chain reaction of damage begins. Inflammation, disease and aging are attributed to this free radical damage. Antioxidants help reduce damage from free radical reactions because they donate electrons which neutralize the radical without forming another. The influx of electrons from grounding provides an externally sourced natural antioxidant effect, and gives the body another raw material to heal itself.

A simple voltmeter test offers direct evidence how grounding eliminates excess electrical charge (and thus helps inflammation), by bringing the body into electrical balance with the Earth. For energy-depleted persons, grounding helps by uploading vital electrons, reenergizing the body’s’ electrical state. Its energy continuously works towards our body homeostasis by either delivering or absorbing electrons. Grounding balances us and helps us feel whole again. Who wouldn’t want this infinitely huge vital life force on her or his side, available 24/7 towards greater health and a sense of well being?

Our ancestors lived much more closely to the earth on dirt floor dwellings, often slept on the ground perhaps under stars, and worked daily barefoot or shod with minimal foot coverings. There was an awareness and respect for influential cycles of nature and the ebb and flow of life. Seasonal rituals and ceremonies were hallmarks of celebrating Nature.

Remember the barefoot joy you felt running around outside as a child? Where did that joy go? Collectively we’re driven almost nonstop to be acquisition motivated by consumerist mentality, constantly pressured by high living costs and economic disparity, and are ill from effects of degraded air, water and genetically and chemically modified, irradiated, pesticide treated foods. Megacorporations trump rights of individuals while depleting precious natural resources. The needs of the many are preempted by and for the wants of a few. We’ve insulated ourselves from Nature. We live mostly indoors, and walk in synthetic footwear and high heels on asphalt and carpets. We are swimming (drowning?) in an ever-growing and pervasive invisible sea of harmful electromagnetic fields and frequencies (EMF). Face it – we’re stressed out!

Unlike all other species ever to have lived on this planet, it seems that overall our human race has lost our way, our essential connection to this paradise, and our ability to live sustainably. We often forget or ignore that it’s only by this grace and generosity of the Earth our original and true mother, that we may sustain this physical life at all. Our survival as a species is intimately linked to a healthy relationship with our environment.

So tell me – are you communing lovingly with Nature? Do you feel gratitude as She feeds you, quenches your thirst and washes you, clothes you, breathes life into you, soothes your soul with Her beauty, Her breath, Her songs? Do you feel a healthy respect and awe for Her enormous elemental powers of creation, sustenance, and destruction? Do you have a direct, up close and personal relationship with Her? How do you feel Her, touch Her, smell Her, taste Her? When last did you lay your body down on this Earth and exhale a sigh of relief?

Perhaps now in this eleventh hour, after so much worldly suffering, stress and angst, we will personally activate change by taking a step or two – barefoot steps – onto the living earth, to simply be present to the enormous power we stand upon. Such a basic action of a single human being reverberates throughout the entire cosmos. Imagine how we may create a larger shift when we get grounded by the millions.

Here’s the easiest way to ground yourself: Go barefoot on Earth – walk, lie down, stand, or sit in a chair with your feet on the ground for awhile each day. You could begin with just twenty minutes daily…longer and more often is even better. On damp earth or at water’s edge is best, as moisture enhances conductivity. Our tissues know how to ‘soak up’ and use these electrons so that, over time, our bodies may recharge and heal.

by Hema Simondes



2.Uglasitev na sonce


Fotoni iz Sonca so 100-odstotna pozitivna energija, ko dosežejo možgane, imajo pozitiven učinek na naše celice in možgane. Dokazano je, da če izvajaš tehniko gledanja v Sonce (seveda, ob varnih urah in na pravilen, varen način!!!), se nevroni oz. celice v možganih regenerirajo, zato se naše zdravje izboljša in imamo več moči ter energije.

Upočasni se proces staranja, v starosti tak človek npr. ne bo imel parkinsonove ali alzheimerjeve bolezni ter bo živel brez zdravstvenih težav.

To je originalna, prastara medicina človeštva; je božanska laserska terapija. Povzeto po TUKAJ

Solarna joga (SunGazing) – ultimativno orodje popolne svobode (slovenski podnapisi)

Activating the pineal gland is a key point in the next stage of human evolution.

Light activates the full potential of the brain bringing forth infinite inherent powers that have remained dormant for millennia. Since the pineal gland is sensitive to light we use solar energy and convert it to physical nourishment. The suns energy is a source that powers the brain and the human eye is the only organ where the sun can either enter or leave the human body. While the eyes are the sun energy’s entry way to the human brain, the age-old healing ritual of solar gazing (practiced by ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Greeks, Mayans, in Tibetan Yoga and some traditions of Qigong, Tai Chi, and by some Native American tribes) enables us to receive nourishment, healing and spiritual enlightenment.

Devoted solar gazers claim better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health as well as being able to sustain oneself on solar energy alone for very long periods without eating any food. Strict long-term fastings under the control and observation of various scientific and medical teams revealed a regeneration of the brains gray cells and the expansion of the pineal gland rather than its typical shrinking. Solar gazing is done only during the first hour after sunrise or the last hour before sunset, when the sun’s rays are most gentle to the eyes. If gazing is not done around dawn or sunset and is performed at other hours it will result in serious damage to the retina.

Once the body is sufficiently aligned with spiritual force, light becomes food, hence the breatharian ideal that uses breath to stimulate the pineal gland by bringing in large volumes of oxygen and life-force into the bloodstream. Oxygen drenched blood causes the pineal gland to resonate and vibrate.



V Mišakovi oddaji “Na rubu znanosti” 

lahko najti primeren pozitivni odziv na marsikatero težavo in kalvarijo, ki jo trenutno doživljamo

3.Uglasitev na vodo


Voda kot jo danes poznamo je le bleda slika tistega kot je bila pred
industrijsko potrošniško revolucijo, kilometri vodovoda, visok pritisk in
premočrtnost gibanja z pravimi koti na sečiščih, s katerim jo
distribuirajo. V temi, brez sonca pride do naših pip pride mrtva , poleg tega pa še zelo informacijsko ter kemično in fizično onesnažena. Vodovodna voda nima kristalne strukture, izvirska voda jo ima, kar je v svoji knjigi Spomin Vode (Messages from Water) lepo dokazal Japonec Masaru Emoto. Več TUKAJ Pri črpanju in transportu (če so cevi daljše kot 70 metrov) se poruši struktura vode; namesto desno vrteča, postane voda levo vrteča in v telesu ne more opravljati svoje funkcije.
Lastnosti vode
ORP je zelo pomemben faktor, ki se da izmeriti pri vodovodni vodi
v Velenju znaša +300 in nekaj, pri izvirski živi vodi (in ionizirani)
-300 (naj me kdo popravi če se motim)
površinska napetost (skupki vodnih molekul) pri mrtvi vodi težko
prehajajo celično membrano in navkljub zadostnem pitju naše celice
ostajajo dehidrirane, dočim žive vode hidriramo že z polovično (eni
pravijo 1/5) vode

Revitalizacija vode,
Na kvaliteto vode vpliva njena notranja molekularna struktura

Zakaj vrtinčenje vode (Imploder itd.) in kakšne so koristi take vode?


– Vrtinčena voda je mehka, rahlo alkalna, ima negativni ORP, pravilno
povezane vodne skupke, vsebuje veliko biofotonov in kisika ter dovolj koloidnih
– Telo jo lažje absorbira, hitreje prodre v celice.
– Zamenja polariteto toksičnih substanc, kot so težke kovine, pesticidi, nitrati, in s tem odpravi njihov toksičnost- ne prodrejo v celice.
– Upočasni staranje organizma
– Obnavlja telesno energijo in krepi telesno moč
– Obnavlja imunološki sistem in celice organizma
– Vrtinčena voda ohrani vse pridobljene lastnosti tudi po kuhanju, destiliranju, zmrzovanju, ogljikovem filtriranju, reverzni osmozi, radiaciji in kemičnem onesnaževanju
Zadevo je originalno preučil Viktor Shauberger. Vsi patenti pa so na njegovih
ZLATA VODA…/zlata-voda-napitek-…/
šUNGITNA VODA…/sungit-ima-sposobno…/

Enostaven recept za živo vodo – Članek Dejan Ogrinec

Voda, čudež narave, je kristal, je energija, je spomin , je življenje

Voda kot eliksir – Urs Surbeck

Dodaj odgovor

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